In a mini-series of 6 episodes, we follow a number of people who all have in common that they have chosen to settle in Northern Jutland. Through them, we examine what opportunities...
Den lille landsby Agersted, der ligger ca. syv kilometer fra Dronninglund blev i løbet af 1930erne og 40erne stærkt nazificeret. Koncentration af danske nazister var så stor...
The coasts and sea around North Jutland have seen some of the most spectacular and dramatic rescue operations in Danish history. In this stormy series, eyewitnesses and experts...
In the early morning hours of April 9, 1940, German soldiers marched across the border into Denmark. They occupied the land. It was a peaceful occupation in which Denmark...
Documentary i did for Copenhagen University and DK4 – dk4 follows one of the local patrols, daily searching for illegal loggers in Cambodia’s rainforest, and it is at a time...
Michael Strunge remains one of the main writers in a generation of Danish poetry, which has been called eighties writers or puncture poetry. Michael Strunge published 11 collections...