Jens-Christian’s great-grandfather lost his life in the trench battles in France during the First World War. Now he is looking for answers to what his great-grandfather...
“Urmi” is a poignant portrait film exploring the life of Urmi Jadhav, a trans activists and member of the ancient Hijra community in india. In the film Urmi recounts...
In Historical Crimes we look at some of the most dramatic criminal cases in North Jutland told by the police officers and people who were close to the investigation. The series...
Ved Aalborg trænregiment starter et nyt hold værnepligtige og i år er mange af dem piger. Overgangen fra civil til værnepligt er både spændende, forvirrende og udfordrende....
Mod slutningen af besættelsen deporterer den tyske besættelsesmagt et større antal nordjyder til de tyske koncentrationslejre. En af dem var kommunisten Christian Brønnum...